Featured items

GIngerbread Star Cookies Chapter 7 SALE

List Price: $9.95

Set of Margot's Signature Brushes

List Price: $85.60
Star Shape Cookie SALE

List Price: $2.50
White MUD



I hope you will spend some time wandering around my website, enjoying my artwork, looking at what I have for sale and just getting to know me better!

The photos above are some of the new things available or just things I think you might be interested in viewing.

To help navigate my website: On the bar above the photos is Home which is where we are now. New is where all the new items are shown, then Shop to view and purchase all the items I have for sale. I accept only PayPal and my shopping cart system is secure. Please note that you can use PayPal for payment even if you are not signed up as a PayPal user. Search allows you to find specific information, View Cart will show you what is in your shopping cart and that information is also shown over to the left of your screen. Check Out for when you are ready to purchase all your "goodies" and if you need or want to get in touch with me there is Contact.

Over to the left is a lot of information. About Me is, well, all about me! Seminars show Available Artwork I am offering for teaching seminars (note that I am not doing much travel teaching any longer) and my Seminar Schedule lists any scheduled seminars I may be teaching. Magazines is a chronological showing of some of the magazine articles I have written over the past few years. Techniques explains in detail many of the techniques I use. Tips has information on loading my Margot’s Miracle Brush, working with a Masterson’s Sta-Wet Palette, floating/glazing color, wood preparation and dry brushing. Gallery has two sections, Art Gallery where you can view my current art work that is hanging in galleries and is also for sale through me and Favorites which are some of my favorite things. Links are to a few places I thought you might like to visit and of course, last but not least is Shop which will take you to everything I have available for sale and also allows you to check the status of your order by clicking on "View Order Status" and entering your email address and order number.


On a personal note...

On a personal note, I continue to do just fine after battling breast cancer twice in five years. July 2008 marked my five year anniversary from the first time I found out I had breast cancer. My oncologist says my five year mark will really be from the second time I had it so that one will be November 2010. He also says that for me it will be ten years so that one will be November of 2015. I am going to celebrate all three of them!  I am still adding to my BC Journals or “How Humor Got Me Through It” which is the ongoing story of my journey through breast cancer and its aftermath. You can get to the Journals by clicking About Me and then on Personal or clicking on Personal (BC Journals) at the bottom of this page or on this hyperlink – margotclark.com/BC


If you would like to be added to my mailing list to receive updates and specials please enter your email address. This list is for my use only and will not be shared with anyone.

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If you enjoy decorative art, learning new painting techniques and reading about what other decorative artists are doing, consider joining the Society of Decorative Painters. For more information write to: SDP, 393 McLean Blvd., Wichita, KS 67203 or visit their website decorativepainters.org